
  1. Download and install java if you don't have it (17 or above). Really easy, you can find videos on YouTube like this: Click Here

  2. Download the template: Click Here

  3. Download the plugin jar: Click Here

  4. Decompress the template.

  5. Drop the plugin jar and ProtocolLib inside the plugins folder.

  6. Download server jar. Can be spigot or paper spigot. Although, paper spigot has better performance. (must be 1.19.4 or newer): Click Here or Here

  7. Rename the server jar you just downloaded to "server".

  8. Run the file named "Start".

  9. Go to Minecraft, multiplayer, add a server, and enter in the server ip: "localhost".

  10. Done! You can now enter the server and start using the tool.

Last updated